Welcome To My Life! Enjoy!

torsdag den 21. juli 2011

Hanging out & Musical

Heey there!

So yesterday I didn't have time for a blog! That's why I make it NOW!

I was in Middelfart with my friend, Louise, and we had lots of fun! We talked about everything, from musicals to Titanic. There was alot of random stuff in between that..

I went home to get a jacked and relax a little before I again took a train, but this time for Odense. A friend picked me up and we drove to Nyborg so we could see Nyborg Voldspil's version of 'The Producers'. We had a great time! But I came home very late. So I couldn't blog before that :(

But that was quiet it. So I see ya guys! :D

mandag den 18. juli 2011


I'm back! After a long time! Sorry guys..

But I didn't have lot's of time to blog D:
But that's going to be changed! Or just a little!

Last Saturday I saw HARRY POTTER 7 - Part 2 in the cinema. It was great!
But to get ready (and just refresh the story) I have seen ALL the movies in order from Monday and I saw the last one just before I had to go to work Saturday morning.
Now I miss HARRY POTTER A LOT! It's like there's something missing. For 6 days I have seen a HARRY POTTER movie at the night. Now I don't do that.. It's sad! D: I want more! I got a bigger HARRY POTTER-fan than I ever was!

I'm cleaning up my room and put things at new places! It's great! I have space for more things! I can show my things, and it's not messy! It's fantastic! And I know that some time my room is going to be redecorated! I can't wait 8D

And btw. I just got some awesome new clothes! And found some awesome necklaces!