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tirsdag den 30. august 2011

I Did It Again!

So.. A Musical took over my life for a month, and then a hard start to school made it hard to blog! Sorry..!

Frøbjerg Festspil!
So as you maybe know I was in the ensemble in this years summer-play in Frøbjerg. It was great having my début in such a big armature musical! It was the best summer in my life! I spend 1 month on stage doing what I love the most! Sing, dance, act, and show it for audience! Even in rain it was awesome! And I got something like 40-50 new friends! Isn't that cool? It's like a missing piece in me! I loved it! And when you have done the same and been with the same people everyday in a month you will  miss it!

New Project!
So in the end of the other musical I went to audition on another musical! A way smaller musical. So I was kind of stressed because we had a show in the night and blah blah, so I did it pretty good at the singing part, but the acting and dancing part I totally screwed up! So I thought I wouldn't get in. But then my friend called me and said 'Have you seen we got the mail?' So I got the part as God and Grusomella. 

Back to School
So it's August and the school started again... I didn't know what I wanted this year, I wasn't ready yet and My parents told me to stay on my school though 10th grade. But I guess it's going to be a GREAT year! Like I can get 100% sure on what line I want to take, get better in the different subjects!

Not long time ago I turned 16! And it was the best birthday ever! Well.. The 5 hours work was kind boring. But I got some good presents! And of course our last performance was so special! My friend came to watch it and she bought me a present! and like everyone said 'Happy Birthday' to me! Everyone was so kind! And saying goodbye for the last time was so sad! even though I saw many of them this Friday! But I was so sad about it I began to cry.. And people was like 'aww.. how cute'. Hehe.. well it was for a short time! So I had a great birthday!

So I'm sick right now.. I've been it since Friday (just before I went to the ending party in Frøbjerg.). So I went to school Monday morning because that was the day of our school photo thing. I HATE it.. But I don't want to miss it! So it was just as the school started it was our turn, but the kindergarten was pressed in before us. That means we had to wait for 1 hour! That's a long time when you want to be in your bed and sleep! I went home and slept for about 2-3 hours. Then I woke up and wanted to play Assassin's Creed. I just got Assassin's Creed Brotherhood in the weekend but I didn't bring my big computer, so I had to wait..! But I love it! But I can't sing and today I was going to start in the music school (all my music school things starts today!)
But my friend told me a lot about what happened here and there! And one week behind is not alot!

So I'm redecorating my room! It's so awesome! I love it way to much! I got more space and it's just amazing!

I think I'm better end it now! But that was an update on one month in my life! BYE!