Welcome To My Life! Enjoy!

fredag den 17. januar 2014


Hey guys.

So my christmas and new years eve was very different this year. I didn't spend it around my family as I usually do, I spend them with my best friend and her family in Houston, TX. It wasn't my first time over there, but it was special. I had two weeks where I had my friend on my own, well more or less. I did experience a lot those two weeks, and it was everything from just a walk to visiting some fancy place in the area. 

It was very sad to leave them, and as they're like my other family, I really do miss them now. Even one of her younger sisters started crying. It really touched me! Even her dog knew that a suitcase meant someone would leave. That's rather incredible.

So what did I see, ah well.. a lot. San Jacinto, Johnson Space Center, Houston Museum of Natural Science, Downtown Houston, The Nutcracker at Houston Ballet, meeting locals, Lake Houston.. just a lot! But to be honest I think I will post them separately as posts, as I think it'll be too long for now. 

But I enjoyed my two weeks in the states, and I defiantly felt like I saw a lot. The two weeks wasn't enough for me, I miss Helene and her family so much. But well, I have to survive without them. I will see them again one day.

A Picture of me with two - sadly not too windy - Stars and Stripes
Taken on December 24th - Christmas Eve.

I will try to find time to write between all my assignments. Thanks for now and see you guys xx

fredag den 3. januar 2014


So 2013 happened to end a few days ago, and at the moment I sit in Houston, TX, and thinks back on that. I did not manage to blog a lot, and as always I try to promise I will change it, which I maybe will.. Well anyway I did start a blog about how I look at musicals, and my experiences. Here it is: http://mymusicalworldkm.blogspot.com

I might also make one with my pictures, as that is pretty much a new hobby. I might also include the less good work, but a little of everything I guess.

Anyway, thanks for 2013, and I look forward to and wish you the best of luck in 2014! :D

xx Kitt