Welcome To My Life! Enjoy!

tirsdag den 14. februar 2012

Teacher for a day... or actually two :P

Yeah.. Together with one of my best friends I have been teaching my class in short films today.

It's weird just saying we tell you this, show you this short film. Go work with it! It's so weird!

Well.. Then I also had al my musicschool stuff today :D Like Flute lessons, singing lessons, Junior Big Band og choir. I LOVE IT! :D
Now I just have to make my homework.. Blaah.

Well.. In the weekend I finished "Vi Maler Byen Rød" and now I have about a month until intro meeting in Frøbjerg, so I can say I'm in a musical again :D

tirsdag den 24. januar 2012

Music Blog!

Hey There!

It's so sunny today! But still SO cold! Yeah.. I though today I want to make a little different blog than updates on my life.. Yeah!

But what should it be about? I though I would make a top 10 list, but about what?

I know what to do! I'll make a music blog! Then I'll one day can make a blog about other things! Yup.. That's what I do! :D

So here is a bunch of music I like!

Some English Songs (includes Musical):

 Devil Take The Hindmost - Phantom & Raoul (Ramin Karimloo & Joseph Millson)
- The Musical "Love Never Dies"
Good Morning Baltimore - "Hairspay"
Mean - Taylor Swift
Whataya Want From Me - Adam Lambert

Some Danish Songs (Including Musical):

Linda & Ida's Duet About The Future - Linda & Ida (Louise & Nete)
- The Musical "Sort/Hvid - & Alt Derimellem"
Kærlighed Gør Blind(Love Makes Blind) - D'Artagnan & Athos (Sinor & Kasper)
- The Musical "De Tre Musketerer"
New Tomorrow - A Friend In London
(I know the song is English, but they are a Danish band)
Fuld Af Nattens Stjerner - Lis Sørensen (As Mrs. Hawkins)
- From the Musical "Skattenøen"(The Treasure Island)

Yeah.. That was kind of a lot of music!
See ya soon! :D

søndag den 8. januar 2012

Happy New Year!

OMG! It's more than two months ago I last blogged! Well... My life is stressed, but I got some time right now, before I have to make my homework.. :P

Yeah.. I still go to school.. 10th grade.. Boooring but I survive! Really I do! Mostly because I got a very good friend in my class who makes me go to school everyday I'm not sick or has something I have to do.

As you maybe know I LOVE musicals.. I've seen a few since last time, but I also finished one since last time, and there is less than one month till the next one has premier! We finished Sort/Hvid & Alt derimellem With 3 good performances! Now I'm a dancer in Vi Maler Byen Rød, which has premier in February and Sound Of Music which I'm in the Ensemble and an Ensemble Dancer in!
I hope I soon have to go to audition on Aladdin on Fredericia Theatre!
Here is one of the songs from the musical Sort/Hvid & Alt Derimellem

The Poster from Vi Maler Byen Rød
Playing in Middelfart February 7th - 11th
Musicals I've seen
Yeah... I've seen a couple of musicals since I last made a blog. I saw Annie on Det Ny Teater with a friend, We went to Copenhagen and had LOTS of fun! We are pretty sure we have to do that again now when they are setting Singin' In The Rain up, with my favourite actor in the main role as Don Lockwood!
Then I saw The Three Musketeers - A New Musical by George Stiles on Fredericia Theatre. That was good, but sometimes the manuscript was a little flat!

I REALLY do hope that I can remember to blog a little more! But I forget it when I've got the time.. So I bet I will find some time! I HAVE TO!
So I guess I soon go to London too! YEAH! So I'm going to see Les Misérables and Phantom of the Opera in London! It's so awesome!
I will make a blog with some pictures of some stuff I've got and something that is so awesome I feel like I wanna buy it :D