Welcome To My Life! Enjoy!

lørdag den 25. juni 2011



I finally finished 9th grade and well... 10th grade is waiting! But first.. SUMMER VACATION!
Well.. I have to work (at my new job) some of the time.. But July 23rd I begin in Frøbjerg again! But theres a long time to go!

So this girl is ready for "DE 3 MUSKETERER" (The 3 musketeers)

Fun fact about me! I got an average at 8,09 in my exams, and 8,72 with the usual grades!
So I guess I'm going to make some blogs about me in the summer time! And of course about what happens!

See Ya, and good summer ;D

1 kommentar:

  1. Have a happy awesome holiday KYUUUU-chan
