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lørdag den 1. oktober 2011

1 Month Later...

So one again another month passed by without any blogs..
But here is the update since last time!

In the school I just enjoy my friends and learn a few things! Well.. I just had a theme-week and I actually should have been to school today, but I had to go to work! Which I'm happy about! But I have some good classmates and I guess it will be my best year in school!

- Here is a picture with me and my friend Helene from my class. It's from this Monday where we made a collage-swan . I'm the one to the right.
So as I said I got a part in the musical 'Sort/Hvidt - og alt derimellem.' (Black&White - and all in between). We already had a couple of rehearsals and I this it's going well. It's mt first part with more than 3 lines. From 3 lines with maximum 10 words in them to 26 lines with alot of 2-4 lines between it's hard to learn just at once! + I need to work!
Well.. I went to an audition about 1½ week ago. I still wait for the answer! I want it now..!

Visit from Hungary
So from September 10th to September 15th I had two kind girls from Hungary living by me. They came with their music school like I was in Hungary in the Easter with my music school. And I actually lived by them when I was there. They are sisters. I got this awesome drawing from the oldest of them and they though I should have this Hungarian game named Aranyásók (Gold digger in English). I miss them so much!

So things I have to do in the future I guess I will blog about is like I have to see Carsten Bang live tonight! I really can't wait. If you don't know who Carsten Bang is I can tell you he is a danish comedian.
Then I have to see The Phantom of the Opera 25th anniversary concert - live from Royal Albert Hall tomorrow night with my friend.
With the same friend I have to go to Copenhagen in 2 weeks. It's so awesome! We got some good seats for Annie on Det Ny Teater (The New Theater)!
You will also hear updates from other things in my life like Musicals, school, and just being me!

Photographs taken by me
Yeah.. I always loved to take pictures! The more the better! And I will show you some of them below! None of them are edited! I promise! - Of Course some are better than others!

*Of Course I own the copyright on the picture!

So that was it for this time! I will make a blog about Phantom and Carsten Bang tomorrow!

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