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torsdag den 6. oktober 2011

Carsten Bang & Phantom of the Opera

So.. Last Saturday I wrote that I would tell you about my experience with the two shows.

Carsten Bang Plukker Kameler
Well... If you directly translate the shows name it's 'Carsten Bang Picking Camels'. The last part makes no sense but in Denmark we have to sayings: 'I have a bone to pick with you' and 'To swallow a camel.' That's where he got the title to his One-man-show from. It's so funny! I really like Stand-Up Comedy but this was the very first time I saw it live! And it was AWESOME! I laughed so much I still laughed a bit next day!
- And when I came home I wrote on his Facebook page that it was a great show and something else - And he answered me! Twice! I was so happy about that!

Phantom of the Opera - 25th Anniversary Concert
Then Sunday evening I went to the cinema to see the direct transmission of The Phantom Of The Opera's 25 Anniversary Show. I asked a friend if she wanted to see it with me, so we saw it together. We had a enjoyable night with the amazing show! And by the way it was the first time I saw the stage version. It was so fantastic. I really don't have words for it! Not I just wait for the DVD & CD to come out!

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