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torsdag den 6. oktober 2011

Carsten Bang & Phantom of the Opera

So.. Last Saturday I wrote that I would tell you about my experience with the two shows.

Carsten Bang Plukker Kameler
Well... If you directly translate the shows name it's 'Carsten Bang Picking Camels'. The last part makes no sense but in Denmark we have to sayings: 'I have a bone to pick with you' and 'To swallow a camel.' That's where he got the title to his One-man-show from. It's so funny! I really like Stand-Up Comedy but this was the very first time I saw it live! And it was AWESOME! I laughed so much I still laughed a bit next day!
- And when I came home I wrote on his Facebook page that it was a great show and something else - And he answered me! Twice! I was so happy about that!

Phantom of the Opera - 25th Anniversary Concert
Then Sunday evening I went to the cinema to see the direct transmission of The Phantom Of The Opera's 25 Anniversary Show. I asked a friend if she wanted to see it with me, so we saw it together. We had a enjoyable night with the amazing show! And by the way it was the first time I saw the stage version. It was so fantastic. I really don't have words for it! Not I just wait for the DVD & CD to come out!

lørdag den 1. oktober 2011

1 Month Later...

So one again another month passed by without any blogs..
But here is the update since last time!

In the school I just enjoy my friends and learn a few things! Well.. I just had a theme-week and I actually should have been to school today, but I had to go to work! Which I'm happy about! But I have some good classmates and I guess it will be my best year in school!

- Here is a picture with me and my friend Helene from my class. It's from this Monday where we made a collage-swan . I'm the one to the right.
So as I said I got a part in the musical 'Sort/Hvidt - og alt derimellem.' (Black&White - and all in between). We already had a couple of rehearsals and I this it's going well. It's mt first part with more than 3 lines. From 3 lines with maximum 10 words in them to 26 lines with alot of 2-4 lines between it's hard to learn just at once! + I need to work!
Well.. I went to an audition about 1½ week ago. I still wait for the answer! I want it now..!

Visit from Hungary
So from September 10th to September 15th I had two kind girls from Hungary living by me. They came with their music school like I was in Hungary in the Easter with my music school. And I actually lived by them when I was there. They are sisters. I got this awesome drawing from the oldest of them and they though I should have this Hungarian game named Aranyásók (Gold digger in English). I miss them so much!

So things I have to do in the future I guess I will blog about is like I have to see Carsten Bang live tonight! I really can't wait. If you don't know who Carsten Bang is I can tell you he is a danish comedian.
Then I have to see The Phantom of the Opera 25th anniversary concert - live from Royal Albert Hall tomorrow night with my friend.
With the same friend I have to go to Copenhagen in 2 weeks. It's so awesome! We got some good seats for Annie on Det Ny Teater (The New Theater)!
You will also hear updates from other things in my life like Musicals, school, and just being me!

Photographs taken by me
Yeah.. I always loved to take pictures! The more the better! And I will show you some of them below! None of them are edited! I promise! - Of Course some are better than others!

*Of Course I own the copyright on the picture!

So that was it for this time! I will make a blog about Phantom and Carsten Bang tomorrow!

tirsdag den 30. august 2011

I Did It Again!

So.. A Musical took over my life for a month, and then a hard start to school made it hard to blog! Sorry..!

Frøbjerg Festspil!
So as you maybe know I was in the ensemble in this years summer-play in Frøbjerg. It was great having my début in such a big armature musical! It was the best summer in my life! I spend 1 month on stage doing what I love the most! Sing, dance, act, and show it for audience! Even in rain it was awesome! And I got something like 40-50 new friends! Isn't that cool? It's like a missing piece in me! I loved it! And when you have done the same and been with the same people everyday in a month you will  miss it!

New Project!
So in the end of the other musical I went to audition on another musical! A way smaller musical. So I was kind of stressed because we had a show in the night and blah blah, so I did it pretty good at the singing part, but the acting and dancing part I totally screwed up! So I thought I wouldn't get in. But then my friend called me and said 'Have you seen we got the mail?' So I got the part as God and Grusomella. 

Back to School
So it's August and the school started again... I didn't know what I wanted this year, I wasn't ready yet and My parents told me to stay on my school though 10th grade. But I guess it's going to be a GREAT year! Like I can get 100% sure on what line I want to take, get better in the different subjects!

Not long time ago I turned 16! And it was the best birthday ever! Well.. The 5 hours work was kind boring. But I got some good presents! And of course our last performance was so special! My friend came to watch it and she bought me a present! and like everyone said 'Happy Birthday' to me! Everyone was so kind! And saying goodbye for the last time was so sad! even though I saw many of them this Friday! But I was so sad about it I began to cry.. And people was like 'aww.. how cute'. Hehe.. well it was for a short time! So I had a great birthday!

So I'm sick right now.. I've been it since Friday (just before I went to the ending party in Frøbjerg.). So I went to school Monday morning because that was the day of our school photo thing. I HATE it.. But I don't want to miss it! So it was just as the school started it was our turn, but the kindergarten was pressed in before us. That means we had to wait for 1 hour! That's a long time when you want to be in your bed and sleep! I went home and slept for about 2-3 hours. Then I woke up and wanted to play Assassin's Creed. I just got Assassin's Creed Brotherhood in the weekend but I didn't bring my big computer, so I had to wait..! But I love it! But I can't sing and today I was going to start in the music school (all my music school things starts today!)
But my friend told me a lot about what happened here and there! And one week behind is not alot!

So I'm redecorating my room! It's so awesome! I love it way to much! I got more space and it's just amazing!

I think I'm better end it now! But that was an update on one month in my life! BYE!

torsdag den 21. juli 2011

Hanging out & Musical

Heey there!

So yesterday I didn't have time for a blog! That's why I make it NOW!

I was in Middelfart with my friend, Louise, and we had lots of fun! We talked about everything, from musicals to Titanic. There was alot of random stuff in between that..

I went home to get a jacked and relax a little before I again took a train, but this time for Odense. A friend picked me up and we drove to Nyborg so we could see Nyborg Voldspil's version of 'The Producers'. We had a great time! But I came home very late. So I couldn't blog before that :(

But that was quiet it. So I see ya guys! :D

mandag den 18. juli 2011


I'm back! After a long time! Sorry guys..

But I didn't have lot's of time to blog D:
But that's going to be changed! Or just a little!

Last Saturday I saw HARRY POTTER 7 - Part 2 in the cinema. It was great!
But to get ready (and just refresh the story) I have seen ALL the movies in order from Monday and I saw the last one just before I had to go to work Saturday morning.
Now I miss HARRY POTTER A LOT! It's like there's something missing. For 6 days I have seen a HARRY POTTER movie at the night. Now I don't do that.. It's sad! D: I want more! I got a bigger HARRY POTTER-fan than I ever was!

I'm cleaning up my room and put things at new places! It's great! I have space for more things! I can show my things, and it's not messy! It's fantastic! And I know that some time my room is going to be redecorated! I can't wait 8D

And btw. I just got some awesome new clothes! And found some awesome necklaces! 

lørdag den 25. juni 2011



I finally finished 9th grade and well... 10th grade is waiting! But first.. SUMMER VACATION!
Well.. I have to work (at my new job) some of the time.. But July 23rd I begin in Frøbjerg again! But theres a long time to go!

So this girl is ready for "DE 3 MUSKETERER" (The 3 musketeers)

Fun fact about me! I got an average at 8,09 in my exams, and 8,72 with the usual grades!
So I guess I'm going to make some blogs about me in the summer time! And of course about what happens!

See Ya, and good summer ;D

søndag den 29. maj 2011

Kedelig slutning på en fed weekend!

Såååeh er hun er igen!

Jeg har ikke haft så meget tid til at blogge de sidste par dage..
Men i kan da lige hører kort om min weekend..

I fredags havde vi sidste skoledag. Da jeg skal i 10. må vi ikke være med og sådan. Så vi var der bare og så de andre havde det sjovt, men alligevel havde vi da også en god dag...
Så var jeg lige hjemme og pakke en lille taske for at tage til KBH for at se Wicked.. Jeg nåede også at komme forbi Field's :D
Men det fedeste var nok Wicked.. Den var virkelig god, også fik man jo også lige en autograf af den mandelige hovedrolle :D

LØRDAG - Frøbjerg + Koncert
Lørdag var jeg i Frøbjerg og se Askepop-holdets koncert + jeg lige fik brugt en 10'er på en T-shirt. :D
Så et smut forbi Louise også til Forårskoncert med koret 8D
Det var så en vildt fed dag! & jeg vil da mene vi fyrede den af!
 - Her er en af sangene vi sang :D

SØNDAG - Kedsomhed!
Ja.. Jeg har ikke haft noget at lave! Det er ret kedeligt!  

tirsdag den 17. maj 2011

Lektier -.-'

Ville lige hurtigt skrive en blog midt i lektierodet! Håber i gider læse det ^^'

Så dagen er gået med skole, lektier også var jeg lige til kor 8D

Jeg ved godt dette indlæg er lidt kort, men det er fordi der er en dansksynopse som ikke kan gøre sig selv færdig og noget fysik.. det er så nederen!

Så synes jeg lige I skal have æren af at se mig...
    Miiig og en musvåge (og ja, jeg har holdt hende)
-Det er fra jeg var i Ungarn med musikskolen i påsken ^^'

fredag den 13. maj 2011

Fredag d. 13

Så blev det fredag d. 13 8D *DAM DAM DAMMMMM*

Den er gået så godt 8D - Sidste idrætstime EVAR! 8D Eller det tror jeg da :I
Så var man i Odense og fik købt lidt ind d:
Skaffede mig den bog jeg har kigget efter.. :D
Så købte man også en nice en T-shirt ^^'

Ser nu 'Så Det Synger' med Tim Schou 8D

Håber da I har haft en go' Fredag d. 13 som mig 8D  

Sang, Frøbjerg & AFIL i ESC

Så var det torsdag i går.. Jeg ville lave en blog.. Men det kunne jeg ikke da de lukkede blogger ned noget tid x.x


Hvad har jeg så brugt hele den korte torsdag på.. Jo, jeg startede med at være i skole (kedeligt som altid.. Men dog skønt at være sammen med alle kammeraterne igen efter eksamen). ca 1½ time senere smuttede jeg til sang ^^' (hvem elsker ikke at synge?)
Så havde jeg ellers en god 1½ time igen før jeg tog mit korhæfte under armen og kørte mod Frøbjerg! 8D

Jeg er med i Frøbjerg Festspils Sommerspil og skulle til prøve 8D Elsker simpelt hen de kære mennesker derude! Søde, Rare, Talentfulde, Engagerede & med en fælles interesse: - At Frøbjerg Festspil's forestilling år 2011 bliver såååeh helt igennem FED, COOL, og GOD! At alle øver og gør deres bedste!
Jeg havde aldrig troet man kunne være 50 mennesker (+-) og stadig have det så hyggeligt og alle er venner :D

Noget man ikke må glemme er ESC (Eurovision Song Contest)
Jeg ser det altid!! Hvert år! 8D
På flere internet sider har jeg snakket med fans af A Friend In London, men ingen af dem har kendt dem før ESC som miiiiig 8D
Billede af drengene fra AFIL
Jeg sad og jublede da de gik videre til finalen :D Go' AFIL! :D

tirsdag den 10. maj 2011


Haarj alle ude verdenen... Eller jer der kan dansk!

Så fik jeg så oprettet mig en blog o.o Jeg plejer ikke at være typen til det.. Men nu har jeg så gjort det.. 

Hvem er jeg så?
Jo ser du... Mit navn er Kitt og jeg kommer fra en lille by på Fyn... 
Jeg æææælsker musicals! jo flere jeg se jo bedre!
MEN musikken i det hele taget er mit LIV!! Jeg bruger ca. 80% af døgnet på musiiik!
Jeg går til sang og spiller tværfløjte.. Men sang er det jeg foretrækker.. Gerne sammen med det skønne KOR jeg er med i! Et kor der består af nogle søde og fantastiske tøzer! og selvfølgelig Morten ^^'

Dagen er ved at gå på hæld.. Jeg nyder resten af aftenen med Eurovision Song Contest..
Jeg gar været til biologi eksamen i dag! Jeg var sikker på jeg skulle dø da der var 3 min tilbage til prøven begyndte.. Men jeg overlevede med et 10-tal :D *dance dance*
Ellers har jeg været til kor og nydt livet! Sååeh.. en lidt kedelig dag.. Men nu kan jeg jo rode med min blog ^^'

Hyg jer mennekser!! D: